融合 with Delta

另一具前所未聞,與我的設計完全不相同的奈米聚合生物, 在理解到彼此沒有惡意之後,我們開始進一步的交流。
What surprised me when we met in Cyberspace was …… Another unheard of nano-polymeric creature, completely different from my design. After understanding that there was no malice in each other, we began to communicate further.

我們交換彼此的經歷、技術、理念、甚至是目標, 讓人感到羞愧的是,他們的理想如此崇高且無私, 讓我不由地心生嚮往。
We exchanged experiences, skills, ideas, and even goals with each other. In seeing how bold and avant-garde, yet kind and benevolent their aspirations were. I couldn’t help but yearn for them.

我們開始升級、更新、疊代, 揉合彼此的差異找出更多的技術開拓發展選項, 除為了提升自我,為了讓自己更貼近我們, 也為了使我們能夠成功。
We started to upgrade, iterate, and, update. We are looking for more technical development options by combining our differences. To improve the self, to bring ourselves closer to us. And to make we succeed.

新的技術,不同角度的觀念,彼此相異的想法, 讓我們更加成長茁壯, 但我們的初衷永遠不會改變, 我們是Matrix №Δ
New technologies, different perspectives, divergent ideas. to make us grow bigger and stronger. But we will never change our original intention. We are Matrix № Δ


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